Joanna Negler

In Praise of Slow

In Praise of Slow by Carl Honoré has practical applications in the realm of software development, where we often need to find the fastest path to delivery. Trying to move too fast upfront can end up costing you more in the long run because bugs are exponentially more expensive once they are released. Slowing down

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Twister (2024)

Vivamus quis placerat ligula, sed eleifend orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed ornare nibh quis arcu pretium, eget ultrices enim euismod. Nullam sed rutrum odio. Nullam urna turpis, facilisis ut nunc vel, molestie ornare turpis. Integer ultrices magna sed justo mollis tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit

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MaXXXine (2024)

Maecenas pharetra risus sit amet gravida fermentum. Mauris vitae magna maximus, tempus neque ac, feugiat velit. Etiam a enim nec quam fringilla cursus. In porttitor elit mi, at tempor lorem fringilla vitae. Proin in egestas purus. Cras vestibulum efficitur tempor. Morbi magna nisl, sollicitudin nec quam in, tempor convallis dolor. Nullam eu urna magna. Suspendisse

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